This application works best with the latest version of Chrome, FireFox,
Safari or Microsoft Edge. Due to the use of new technology the older
Microsoft IE browsers should no longer be used with this application.
In order to properly serve the Stormwater needs of the County and the General Public. The KaneGIS4 Stormwater Tools web application was created
Develpment Log
09/20/2024 Updated Parcel popup to use arcade script
07/16/2020 Upgraded to ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.16 (release)
Develpment Log
10/16/2018 Upgraded to ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.9 (release)
These layers do not represent a survey. No Accuracy is assumed for the data
delineated herein, either expressed or implied by Kane County or its employees.
These layers are compiled from official records, including plats, surveys,
recorded deeds, and contracts, and only contains information required for local
government purposes. See the recorded documents for more detailed legal
These layers represent planning level information based upon best available data collected to date by Kane County. No accuracy is assumed for the data delineated herein, either expressed or implied by Kane County or its employees. The presence or absence of stormwater infrastructure must be field verified.
ArcGIS Online Version
08/16/2024 Added 2024 to Aerials DropDown (2024/2022/2020/2019/2018/2016/2014)
03/13/2024 Added Google Analytics tag to Stormwater and Watershed basin tools.
03/08/2024 Added Parcel layer button.
03/08/2024 Modified Symbology for 100 and 500 Year Flood.
03/08/2024 Added Splash Screen.
03/08/2024 Add Base Flood and Cross Sections to Fema Layers.
03/07/2024 Modified Stormwater layers extent levels.
03/07/2024 Modified Popup fields for Stormwater layers.
03/07/2024 Added Stormwater Structures.
03/04/2024 Created new export link for exporting Shp and KML. Also added Urban Drain Tile renderer.
03/01/2024 Added 100 Acre Flow Path & modified to show Flow Path at all extents.
02/23/2024 Created Custom Stormwater Site as an offshoot of KaneGIS4
12/15/2023 Refreshed Help slides
11/07/2024 Upgraded ArcGIS Javascript API v4.28 to v4.31
12/06/2023 Upgraded ArcGIS Javascript API v4.27 to v4.28
11/20/2023 Added btnDownloadResults_SHP for Watershed and Stormwater
11/20/2023 Added btnDownloadResults_KML for Watershed and Stormwater
10/05/2023 Added WatershedBasin Theme
08/16/2023 Changed StormsewersLayer definitionExpression to "TYPE NOT IN ('ROOF DRAIN','FOR HYDRO COND','AG DRAIN TILE','URBAN DRAIN TILE','MUNICIPAL STORM','OTHER')"
08/16/2023 Changed DrainTileLayer definitionExpression to "TYPE='AG DRAIN TILE' OR TYPE='URBAN DRAIN TILE'"
08/16/2023 Added Stormwater Disclaimer
07/06/2023 Added .esri-popup__main-container height: 192px; per 4.27
07/06/2023 Added .esri-view .esri-view-surface--touch-none:focus::after{outline: none !important;} per 4.27
07/06/2023 Upgraded toArcGIS Maps SDK for Javascript 4.27 (release)
05/18/2023 Added STName to Address searchFields: ["FULL_ADR","STName","Pin"]
05/18/2023 Added suggestionTemplate: "{FULL_ADR}, {City}" to Address search
05/16/2023 Added Stormwater Instructions to Help
04/10/2023 Adjusted PlotPinList Function clearGraphics broken link
03/02/2023 Upgraded to ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript 4.26 (release)
02/16/2023 Upgraded Hydrology Files on ArcGIS Online for display and gisdmzims3 for Geo Processing Service
10/25/2022 Added Hydrology Theme
09/22/2022 Added 2022 to Aerials DropDown (2022/2020/2019/2018/2016/2014)
08/16/2022 Built new FloodInundation renderer for field=ContourMin
06/30/2022 Added Potential Depth of Flooding Legend to popuptemplate
06/30/2022 Adjusted viewable DrainTileLayer data fields to Material, DIA_IN, Length Ft, Type, Ownership, and Jurisdiction
06/30/2022 Adjusted the exclusion on the StormSewerLayer to exclude DRAIN TILE, MUNICIPAL STORM, and OTHER
06/30/2022 Adjusted viewable StormSewerLayer data fields to Material, DIA_IN, Length Ft, Type, Ownership, and Jurisdiction
06/30/2022 Activated Stormwater button / display / layer
06/30/2022 Activated DrainTiles button / display / layer
06/30/2022 Replaced watchUtils with reactiveUtils
06/30/2022 Modified disclaimer style bottom to 4.8%
06/30/2022 Modified viewDiv style height to 94%
06/30/2022 Upgraded to ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.24 (release)
05/10/2022 Added Stormwater button / display
05/10/2022 Added FlowPath* button / display layer
05/10/2022 Added Detention Basins* button / display / layer
05/10/2022 Added Potential Flood Inundation* button / display / layer
04/11/2022 Adjusted 2020 AerialLayer.activelayer to WB_2022_R04 to include an aerial correction (0227303001)
03/29/2022 Adjusted Default Year from 2021 to 2022
03/29/2022 Upgraded to ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.23 (release)
02/16/2022 Added Precincts (2011) and Precincts (2022)
02/16/2022 Added CountyBoard (2010) and CountyBoard (2020)
01/20/2022 Replaced depreciated esri/task/support/IdentifyParameters with esri/rest/support/IdentifyParameters
12/17/2021 Added highlightOptions(color:[255, 241, 58, .01],fillOpacity:0.01) to MapView
12/17/2021 Upgraded to ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.22 (release)
12/14/2021 Added LatLng search function
10/01/2021 Adjusted getCondo function
10/01/2021 Upgraded to ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.21 (release)
08/31/2021 Added Pin to Address searchFields:["FULL_ADR","Pin"] for IMP
07/12/2021 Upgraded to ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.20 (release)
06/01/2021 Added minscale:5000, maxscale:0 to AddressLayer & AddressProposedLayer
05/20/2021 Added 2020 to Aerials DropDown (2020/2019/2018/2016/2014)
05/14/2021 Added 2020 Cadastral pages to TaxMaps display
05/13/2021 Adjusted measurement widget per 4.19
04/26/2021 Upgraded to ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.19 (release)
03/29/2021 Adjusted Default Year from 2020 to 2021
02/11/2021 Adjusted Situs Address Buffer CSV Pin display issue
02/10/2021 Added Mailing Address Buffer Report on PinInfo Dialog
01/29/2021 Added Export to CSV to Situs Address Buffer Report on PinInfo Dialog
01/26/2021 Adjusted brightness effect on Aerials (2019/2018/2016/2014)
01/22/2021 Added W3.CSS DropDown for Aerials (2019/2018/2016/2014)
01/22/2021 Added W3.CSS Bar for Map/Aerials/Hybrid
01/14/2021 Added effect on highlightPinLayer
01/14/2021 Removed refreshinterval on highlightPinLayer
12/11/2020 Added TaxCode Widget to Cadastral Theme
12/11/2020 Upgraded to ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.18
12/08/2020 Modified devnetwedge to https
11/19/2020 Modified Parcel and Address search to populate txtPin input box
10/14/2020 Upgraded to ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.17 (release)
10/13/2020 Upgraded to SSL
05/22/2020 Upgraded to ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.15 (release)
05/22/2020 Added stripDashes function in Search-Start of searchWidget
04/14/2020 Adjusted AddressLayer to use ArcGIS Online symbology
04/14/2020 Adjusted AerialLayer to TileLayer, set opacity = .80
04/12/2020 re-added AddressLayer definisionexpresion
03/25/2020 2019 Aerials Activated in Basemap Imagery
01/27/2020 Went live to ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.14 (release)
01/23/2020 Tested ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.15 (soft launch)
01/23/2020 Adjusted 2D Measurement Widget topbar
01/22/2020 Added SearchWidget for Parcel/Address highlightPinLayer.refreshinterval=0.012
01/22/2020 Adjusted SearchWidget Address resultsymbol to symbol_pin
01/17/2020 Adjusted SearchWidget featureLayer param to layer
01/13/2020 Began upgraded to ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.14 (release)
01/03/2020 Added 2017 Topo Layer (1ft contours)
01/03/2020 Added AddressLayerProposed (orange)
12/02/2019 Adjusted AddressLayer to use dmz server (changed back after 2 days)
11/21/2019 Adjusted PinLayer popup/PinDialog to use AddressPoint situs address
08/21/2019 Added Zoning Theme
08/21/2019 Modified ZoningLayer display
08/20/2019 Added ZoningLayer
08/20/2019 Modified devnetwedge to 2019
08/01/2019 Toggle SubLayer based on Map, Aerial, Hybrid display
07/25/2019 Disabled CADText0 (SubNames) display
07/23/2019 Added CadastralSubs* (SubLayer) button / display
04/12/2019 Adjusted default startup to BaseMap off per SOA
02/01/2019 Adjusted PinTaxInfo link to 2018 per SOA
01/11/2019 Added Condo Pin Search Widget
12/13/2018 Added Measurement Widget
12/13/2018 Upgraded to ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.10 (release)
11/20/2018 Went Live
11/19/2018 Upgraded to ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.10 (soft launch)
09/28/2018 Upgraded to ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.9 (release)
08/11/2018 Changed DevLog dialog background color to white
08/11/2018 Added Help Button
08/11/2018 Added About Button (DevLog)
08/11/2018 Added Disclaimer to Print widget
08/11/2018 Unchecked Legend on Print widget
08/11/2018 Adjusted extent of Map to fit browser size
08/08/2018 Set labelsVisible property to true in order to print labels
08/08/2018 Added Print widget
08/05/2018 Adjusted searchWidget to zoomScale:2000
08/03/2018 Restricted layers
07/27/2018 Resize popup using .esri-popup__main-container style
07/26/2018 2018 Aerials Activated in Basemap Imagery
07/26/2018 Added DevLog dialog
07/26/2018 Changed basemap from topo to topo-vector
07/25/2018 Added display of SaleAmt3/Year3 based on SaleCnt3
07/25/2018 Added display of SaleAmt2/Year2 based on SaleCnt2
07/25/2018 Added display of SaleAmt1/Year1 based on SaleCnt1
07/24/2018 Added; in view.when function
07/23/2018 Added search widget
07/23/2018 Added Conversion widget
07/23/2018 Added BaseMap Toggle widget (topo/satelite)
07/23/2018 Added Home widget
07/23/2018 Configured Webgl
07/23/2018 Begin re-write of TaxMap.html (3.11) to TaxMap.html (4.8)
07/23/2018 Adjusted display of parcel_dmz polygons
07/23/2018 Adjusted display of sales_bor_dmz polygons
07/23/2018 Adjusted display of township_dmz polygons
07/20/2018 Optimize parcels_dmz weekly
07/20/2018 Update parcels_dmz weekly
07/20/2018 Update sales_bor_dmz same time as KaneGIS
07/20/2018 Update township_dmz static
07/20/2018 Loaded parcels_dmz, sales_bor_dmz, townshp_dmz into ArcGIS Online
ArcGIS Server Version
09/18/2018 Added updated Aurora Precincts layer and labels
08/27/2018 Adjusted to cloud version of AddressPointLayer
08/15/2018 Adjusted to cloud version of SalesBORLayer
07/15/2018 Disabled Default Search Widget sources using includeDefaultSources:false
07/05/2018 Upgraded to ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.8 (release)
06/27/2018 Added PinList Clear Button
06/27/2018 Added PinList Plot Button
06/27/2018 Added PinList Dialog Box
06/19/2018 Adjusted TIFLayer to be based on TaxCode
06/17/2018 Adjusted TopoRenderer (brown/opacity 6) to TopoLayer
06/14/2018 Added TopoRenderer (blue/opacity 6) to TopoLayer
06/07/2018 Added WaterShedRenderer (blue/opacity 4) to WaterShed Layer
05/23/2018 Added 2018 Aerials
05/23/2018 Disabled Bike Trails Layer
05/22/2018 Adjusted Print DPI default from 300 dpi to 96 dpi
05/15/2018 Added check for Lat/Lng Values before launching BirdsEye
05/15/2018 Replaced PinInfo, ClearGraphics and DevLog buttons with images
05/02/2018 KaneGIS4 went live replacing the original KaneGIS2014x application
04/30/2018 Upgraded to ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.7 (release)
04/30/2018 Replaced SOA PinInfo / TRE TaxBill with new DevNetWEdge app
04/26/2018 2018 obliques went live
04/24/2018 Enabled Webgl
04/19/2018 KaneGIS4 went live replacing the original KaneGIS2014x application
04/19/2018 Completed KaneGIS4 - Help
04/13/2018 Added a hidden PinAcres html div to hold parcel acres for use with view.goto
04/13/2018 Customized view.goto based on acreage of parcel
04/13/2018 Customized look and feel of widget theme colors
03/01/2018 Upgraded to ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.7 (pre-release)
02/02/2018 Adjusted 2017 Aerials to Contrast=6 and Brightness=14
12/28/2017 Adjusted 2017 Aerials to Contrast=6 and Brightness=20
12/19/2017 Added 2017 Aerials
12/14/2017 Upgraded to ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.6 (release)
12/08/2017 Added clearGraphics (reset renderer) function
12/07/2017 Added Buffer ClearIt function
12/07/2017 Added Buffer MapIt function
11/20/2017 Upgraded to ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.6 (pre-release)
11/14/2017 Added Buffer Clear Button
11/11/2017 Added multi line Arcade script to resolve ITD CBDists
11/10/2017 Converted District Layers to dynamic Layers
11/01/2017 Converted FarmLandLayer to dynamic Layer
11/06/2017 Added Buffer function
10/25/2017 Added Gallery button
10/18/2017 Implemented on click hittest function
10/21/2017 Set MapView rotationEnabled to false
10/02/2017 Upgraded to ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.5 (release)
09/20/2017 Upgraded to ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.5 (pre-release)
07/05/2017 Upgraded to ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.4 (release)
07/05/2017 Upgraded to ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.4 (release)
06/23/2017 Began KaneGIS2014x migration to KaneGIS4 based on new 4.3 API
03/03/2017 Upgraded to ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.3 (release)
12/21/2016 Upgraded to ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.2 (release)
09/22/2016 Upgraded to ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.1 (release)
05/03/2016 Upgraded to ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.0 (release)
12/17/2015 ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.0 beta 3 reviewed (proxy did not work)
12/17/2015 ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.0 beta 3 released
12/17/2015 ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.x review move of existing 3.x version due to AMD
07/16/2015 ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.0 beta 1 released
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